In the Desert…Weekly Weight Update

The week started out with a bang. I knew I was going to be going out of town for work for the week so I wanted to make sure that I got in a good workout. I woke up and headed over to Orange Theory Fitness first thing on Sunday morning. That workout always destroys me but I suppose that is a good thing. The best part was running into my good friend, Melanie, in the parking lot. She was on her way in while I was on my way out. There isn’t anything quite as nice as running into an old friend.

The Real World...Weekly Weight Update

After a few weeks of on and off vacation it is no surprise that it is challenging to get back into the real world. What do you mean I should watch what I eat and not have a beer with every meal? You mean I have to go to work for 5 consecutive days? In a row? You must be crazy! I just spent over a week in New England followed by a long weekend at the beach. Ugh, it was tough.

Make Me a Sandwich!...Lake House Scones

What does it take to make a delicious breakfast treat? Waking up early in the morning to spend hours slaving over a hot stove to churn out some tasty pastries? Scouring the local farmer’s market to find the freshest fruits available for your muffins? Maybe pounding and beating dough to make it rise and fall to have the best and fluffiest cakes available? No, it doesn’t take all that work. It takes butter and sugar; lots of butter and sugar. At least that is what I learned while baking up this month’s delicious Make me a Sandwich treat; orange-cranberry scones.

These Boots were made for Walking: Boston Edition

Avon 39 is an amazing event to support breast cancer awareness, research, and support for those women and men living with and battling the disease. Rizzo started walking in the event nine years ago in Washington, DC to honor her Aunt who passed away from breast cancer but also to honor her Mom who lost a battle to cancer. After that first walk in Washington DC, Rizzo decided to walk in a different city each year to complete every city offered by Avon.

Shipping up to Boston...Weekly Weight Update

From a weight loss perspective this week couldn't have been worse (except, of course, for the upcoming week). There were two major events that occurred this week that would cause anyone to fall off the wagon, so to speak, when they are in mid-weight loss: (1) the United States of America celebrated it's 240th + two days birthday on Monday, July 4th, and (2) it was the week before a vacation. How could I have been expected to stick to a diet plan with those temptations?

I Don't Hate

How do you know you are getting old? I think there are two very different, in-fact completely opposite, changes that occur simultaneously to indicate you are old.

  1. You hate everything.
  2. You don't hate anything.

Confused? Let me explain my position.