Where we make some fried chicken.
Welcome to my blog.
I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!
All in Eating and Cooking
Want to make your dessert all in one dish? Then get yourself a cast iron Dutch oven and start baking.
What does it take to keep the deer from eating my tomatoes? Hot oil!
Last Christmas, Rizzo gave me a book that inspired me to try cooking something new every month for the year. The result of that cookbook was this year’s monthly segment, Make Me A Sandwich! Of the course of the year made a variety of things from roasting a chicken using a Bundt pan for Valentine’s Day to a soufflé cake that consisted primarily of eggs and olive oil. I truly enjoyed making all of these new things even if they didn’t turn out so well. I feel like I learned a lot about how to cook in general. Just ask Rizzo about how I now just make stuff up on the fly or make suggestions to her about how to cook stuff when she is doing the cooking. I’m sure it is annoying.
Thanksgiving. That special time of year where millions of citizens of the United States gather to celebrate that time when Native American’s saved the white, European strangers only to be forced off their lands and nearly extinguished from the Earth by the same white, European strangers. To celebrate this massive oppression of a native culture we eat more food than any normal human should consume in a week and follow it up by falling asleep on the couch watching a game that consists entirely of men smashing into each other like rams fighting over the finest female in the flock. So, for this week’s cooking recipe it seemed appropriate to try to cook a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
I love fast food. I really do. I think it is delicious. There is nothing I love more (that is a figure of speech people, there are clearly things I love more) that a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich and a large side of french fries. I also know that fast food is terrible for you. Everyone knows this but we continue to eat it. Why? Because we, as a culture, have convinced ourselves that we don't have the time to cook a healthy meal and delicious meal on our own so we resort to fast food. We even named it "fast food" to convince ourselves that it is faster than making our own food. We are lying to ourselves.
Our meals can be delicious AND healthy AND fast. All you have to do it cook it ourselves. It seems so simple yet so complicated. That is because we, as a culture, have convinced ourselves that in order to cook a healthy meal it has to be complicated. That is where we are all wrong. Anyone can cook a delicious meal in less time than it takes for you to go out and get a burger. The key is from a phrase I was taught in Boy Scouts - KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.