5K...Weekly Weight Update

This week’s weekly weight update is going to focus on one day and that is Tuesday. The rest of the week would be rather mundane for those regular (or not so regular) readers of this blog. It was a very simple week (wake up, go to work, come home, work out, play with Cece, go to bed, rinse, repeat). However, on Tuesday of this week my company signed up to run/walk a 5K as a firm. It was interesting.

Make Me a Sandwich!...Tots!

Who doesn’t love potatoes? The answer is no one. Everyone loves to eat potatoes in all their many shapes and sizes. Baked potato? Check. Mashed Potatoes? Double Check. French fried potatoes? That isn’t even worth a response. Potatoes are everywhere and you can get them at your favorite restaurant with ease but what about potatoes slutty cousin the sweet potato? Sweet potatoes are rarely listed as a menu item at a restaurant and when they are it is like seeing a unicorn in the wild. That is too bad because the sweet potato is delicious, can be used in any recipe that a potato can be used in, and has a sweetness that can really make a potato dish extra special.

Dads...Weekly Weight Update

As I'm sure you are all well aware, last week we celebrated Father's Day. Every year my sister and I ask my Dad what he wants for Father's Day. Every year we get the same answer: "I just want to be acknowledged that I'm your Father". Dad is a simple guy with simple needs. He loves his family above all else and doesn't need gifts or even time of to relax. All the guy has ever wanted was for his family to be safe and happy. OK, so sometimes he wants a beer with lunch, but that is it.

Say Your Name

Write about your first name: Are you named after someone or something? Are there any stories or associations attached to it? If you have the choice, would you rename yourself?

Flight Of The Conchords...Weekly Weight Update

This week started off strong with Rizzo and I attending a show at Wolf Trap so see Flight of the Conchords. If you aren't familiar with the duo then I suggest you check out some of their music. They are a two-man novelty band from New Zealand that is bound to make you laugh. Rizzo and I are big fans. So much so that we used their song "Friends" as the song to introduce our wedding party.

Fathers of daughters

I'm nothing else if I'm not a nerd. I like nerdy things. The TV shows I watch all the time are Marvel's Agents of Shield, Marvel's Agent Carter, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and The FlashAll of these shows are, for sure, about comic books and comic book characters. They are full of action that is, literally, out of this world. They are pure escapism that I love. But sometimes they will, as the kids say, get you in the feels (I feel like such a tool typing that statement that way but it's true).

Jury Duty Batman...Weekly Weight Update

This week started off with a bang if you can call a 400 mile road trip with a sick 2-year-old a bang. As you know from last week (because both of you are regular readers and are already up-to-date after reading Graduation), Rizzo, Cece, and I were down in North Carolina for my brother-in-law's high school graduation. On Sunday morning we began the 6+ hour drive back up to Herndon, VA. It started off just fine especially when we were able to track down a nice looking and delicious coffee shop to grab some breakfast for the road.

Graduation...Weekly Weight Update

The week started off with a bang. No, I mean literally started off with a bang. On Saturday night when Rizzo and I were on our way to our NextStop Theatre show a wire in our garage door snapped and the door came crashing down. The result was a door that wouldn't close and swung across the garage to bend the rail. The point of that was to tell you that I didn't go to work on Tuesday because the garage door guy was coming by to assess the situation and to hopefully repair the door.

Make me a Sandwich!...Brunch Part I

In part 1 of this two part post, we provide a brief history of brunch.

Somewhere along the course of human history it was deemed inappropriate or uncouth to drink alcohol before noon. I don't know why that became the standard. It's not like the sun passing the midway point in the sky has some sort of mythical power that allows alcohol to be acceptable. However, there is one exception: brunch.