Alone...Weekly Weight Update

Don't get all sour on me because I use a word like "alone" to describe this weeks weekly weight update. I'm not in a dark depression sitting alone in a room drinking by myself while listening to Pink Floyd albums on repeat. I use the title because Rizzo took Cece on a trip to Memphis over the weekend and into part of next week so I'm living the bachelor life. PARTY!!!!

Radio Shack

Your local electronics store has just started selling time machines, anywhere doors, and invisibility helmets. You can only afford one. Which of these do you buy, and why?

Sometimes the emails from my blogging group can get pretty weird. There are lots of days I simply click the delete button. There are other days I hit the delete button as fast as I possibly can because I can't believe that someone would offer up that topic as an idea to write about and I wish that I could somehow remove the part of the brain that remembers that email because it is so incredibly stupid. The topic above was one of those days but someone it squeaked through and made it on my "to write" list. 

Just picture are slowly trudging through your local mall. You have just finished the Auntie Anne's pretzel that was slightly smaller than a new born baby and are desperately trying to wash down the salt with your 89oz Smoothie King Strawberry-Kiwi Breeze. It is important to stay fueled and hydrated when you are on these day-long mall excursions. Your eye is suddenly drawn to the left towards the shining red lights of the Radio Shack.

Sprung...Weekly Weight Update

Spring seems to have sprung here in Northern Virginia which means 3 things (1) I'll be distraught every day I'm inside because it is beautiful outside, (2) I'll be running outside more often working up a sweat, and (3) now that I have said that spring has sprung we can all look forward to the temperatures dropping back down to the mid-30s and a few more feet of snow

5 Things I Love

I have written previously on this blog about podcasts and how much I enjoy them. You can read about that in Video Killed the Radio Star. One of my more recently discovered podcasts that I really enjoy is called Chewin' It with Kevin and Steve. This podcast is hosted by two friends, Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme, who just chew the fat and have a few laughs. For those of you who don't k now, these two gentlemen are part of the group that created movie classics like Super Troopers and Beerfest.

One of the topics that the guys discuss is just called "10 Things I love" where the guys literally go through a list of ten things they love. It isn't complicated but just a list of things that the guys really enjoy in life. Some examples from their podcast include Fantasy Football, Drinking on Thanksgiving, and long poops while reading the newspaper. This podcast list inspired me to create my on list of things I love. I cut it down to five so not to bore you with too many things. This is by no means an all inclusive list so I'm sure there are things that I have left out. You should also know that I have excluded my wife, my kid, my cat and my dog from the list because that is just too simple. These loves also take away from the possible humor of the list. Let's get started.

Make your bed.

"Make your bed." A mantra that parents have been drilling into the heads of children since sheets were invented by the Egyptians in 1437 BCE. "Why?" The response given by children since sheets were invented by the Egyptians in 1437 BCE. "Because I said so." The answer given by parents when they don't have a good reason for the child to do what they are being asked.

It's a Trap!...Weekly Weight Update

Busy season is underway. It has started off a bit slow but is quickly becoming very, very busy. I can't complain much as our accounting firm does a great job to keep staff as happy and comfortable as possible. Every Saturday one person brings in breakfast for the rest of the staff. Every Saturday the firm buys lunch for everyone in the office. And everyday our office is full of goodies to eat. It builds morale. It also builds the gut. It's a trap!

Seven Words

Warning: This blog is full of vulgar language. Reader discretion is advised.

Through my email I received the following message from my blog idea group:  “Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand one another unless language is reduced to seven words. What would your seven words be?” I don’t know about you but after reading that there were only seven words that came to my mind:

Gearing Up...Weekly Weight Update

Before I get started I wanted to share a cute picture. You all already know that every Sunday I make pancakes for the family. If that isn't cute enough (I know, I'm adorable), Rizzo bought Cece a stool so Cece could start learning about stuff in the kitchen and learn to help out. Last Sunday I pulled out the stool and I was teaching Cece how to make pancakes. I love this picture and I'm taking this moment to be a proud Dad. I can do that because it's my blog and I can do what I want. I dare you to look at this picture and not think that it is cute.

Make me a sandwich!...Valentine's Day edition

I've never been a big proponent of Valentine's Day celebrations. I don't mind the card or wishing someone love on Valentine's Day but I never felt like it was something to take all too seriously. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying those people that put a lot of time and effort into the celebration of the day are wasting time. It just wasn't my thing. With that in mind, I decided to make a four course meal for Rizzo and I to celebrate Valentine's Day.