All in Other Stuff

Bellie Blog

Some people are dog lovers and some people are cat lovers.  I was born a dog lover but never fully understood what it meant to be a “dog person” until I met Ellie.

These Boots were made for Walking: Boston Edition

Avon 39 is an amazing event to support breast cancer awareness, research, and support for those women and men living with and battling the disease. Rizzo started walking in the event nine years ago in Washington, DC to honor her Aunt who passed away from breast cancer but also to honor her Mom who lost a battle to cancer. After that first walk in Washington DC, Rizzo decided to walk in a different city each year to complete every city offered by Avon.

I Don't Hate

How do you know you are getting old? I think there are two very different, in-fact completely opposite, changes that occur simultaneously to indicate you are old.

  1. You hate everything.
  2. You don't hate anything.

Confused? Let me explain my position.

Say Your Name

Write about your first name: Are you named after someone or something? Are there any stories or associations attached to it? If you have the choice, would you rename yourself?

Oh the weather outside is weather

Weather is such a wonderful thing. Just try and imagine going go your second cousin's wedding, sitting at the "we invited you but didn't expect you to say yes" table, and trying to have a conversation with the elementary school best friend that lost touch when she moved away at age ten but reconnected on Facebook a few months ago so we had to invite her, without weather. It would go a little something like this: