Snow...Weekly Weight Update
There is one story the dominated this entire week. Snow.
No doubt that it snowed and it snowed and it snowed. But there was a whole week of living before the snow came. The week was cold which made it challenging to get outside to work out. Luckily for me I was gifted a used treadmill from my parents so the basement was geared up to keep up with the workouts during this cold week. Both Tuesday and Thursday saw me down in the basement, headphones in, The Da Vinci Code on Netflix, and sweat pouring down my face.
Treadmill set up in the basement. Why does this picture look like it was taken in 1985?
I hate running on a treadmill but sometimes you have to fight the hatred to keep up a regular workout routine. I always feel like I'm about to fall off the side or off the back and crush my coccyx. Not only that, I can never really tell how fast I am going or how far I have run based upon the dials on the treadmill. My treadmill indicates that I'm running 3.7 MPH, which is very slow and doesn't really count as running. Well if that is the case, Mr. Treadmill, then why does my Fitbit tell me that I've gone 3.1 miles in 30 minutes? I trust my Fitbit more than the dials on my treadmill (the treadmill is about 20 years old) but the treadmill keeps a steady pace and keeps me active so thanks Mom and Dad.
Friday was the day that the snow started coming down. I left work early to make sure I got home safe and sound. I also wanted to try to stay ahead of the game regarding shoveling of the snow. With that in mind I made three trips outside to shovel the driveway and to keep a place free for Ellie to go outside. When I went to bed Friday night I was feeling pretty good about the progress since about 8 inches of snow had fallen and my driveway was clear.
It wasn't until I woke up at 6am on Saturday morning that I realized that I'm an idiot. Clearly, Jonas looked me dead in the eyes and said "You are a mere mortal and I am the bringer of wind and snow. Your measly shovel is no match for 24 inches of snow that I shall bring overnight!" I suppose if I had stayed up all night and kept shoveling every two hours I could have stayed ahead of the game. Instead I climbed into my comfy bed and slept for 7 hours allowing Jonas to kick my ass all over the driveway. Touche Jonas, Touche.
Since I didn't stay up all night to keep the driveway clear there was at least a foot of snow on the driveway. Rizzo and I spent the day taking turns trying to keep up with the snow. It was a useless exercise since I woke up on Sunday morning to find another foot in the driveway and the snow plows had piled up a good 5 foot snow mound right at the end of the driveway. So I know that I'll be spending the day Sunday doing some more shoveling.
So with Weight Watchers clearly closed we didn't have a regular weigh-in. What we did have was some non-scale victories. Time was spent on the treadmill during the week and while shoveling I didn't feel so overly exhausted. I remember prior storms not even close to this level of bad where shoveling the driveway was a disaster. Before it was a disaster because I was in such poor shape that I could barely move the snow. This time it was a disaster because we had nearly three feet of snow. Either way, I felt good about the week.
Snow does not stop the bring it on challenge. Luckily, shoveling snow can provide many, many steps which propelled me to victory. And not just any victory. A HUGE victory! This week Rizzo had a minuscule 34.3 miles compared to my 40.5 miles. I suppose the fact that her school was closed on Thursday and Friday reduced her number of steps but it doesn't matter. I still was victorious! I have an 8.1 mile lead going into the last week of the month. Deadpool here I come.
P.S. Rizzo always gives me grief for how I pronounce the word "treadmill". The correct pronunciation of this word comes in two parts. First, you say "tread". This word is said just like the the tread on tires of the tread on your shoes. Second, you say "meal". This word is said like "I'm sitting down to a delicious meal". Push the two sounds together and you get treadmill.
P.P.S. Here are some other snow pictures for your entertainment. Oh, and I guess it was my birthday this weekend so thanks for the birthday wishes.