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Auld Lang Syne...Weekly Weight Update

Auld Lang Syne...Weekly Weight Update

The year was coming to a close and this will be the last Weekly Weight Update of the year 2015. Of course, I didn't weigh in this week because I was traveling for the holiday. That doesn't matter as I suspect my weight has shot up a bit due to the holiday parties and goodies that we all seem to enjoy this time of year.

The week started off with the annual Viar Family Christmas dinner. I refer to it as "Viar" as this was a tradition that I remember beginning with my grandparents, James and Mary Viar (Nana and Pop). The relatives stemming from the Viar family tree would get together and Nana and Pop's house for a meal and exchanging of gifts. The family consisted of Nana and Pop, my Aunt Sandy and Uncle Paul, my cousins Dawn and Daryl, my parents Dave and Sue, my sister Carrie, my grandmother Meemaw, and me. As the "kids" got older (meaning Dawn, Daryl, Carrie, and me) the group expanded to included spouses and grand/great-grand kids. Since Nana and Pop passed away Rizzo and I have hosted the event at our house and it is always a wonderful time with family.

It is also a wonderful time full of food and drink. Since we started hosting I've made sure to keep a nice selection of craft beers on hand for the event. My Mom and Aunt Sandy are usually responsible for the main dishes, the cousin level (Daryl, Dawn, Carrie) provide appetizers, and Rizzo and I provide the dessert. This year we went Asian style with egg rolls and fried rice. It was delicious but far from Weight Watcher friendly. I may have had a bit too much but I feel like I did okay.

Monday and Tuesday was fairly routine in that I had two full days of training, what CPAs refer to as Continued Professional Education (CPE). The CPE included a meal at the training site so I wasn't packing my usually healthy lunches. Not to say I went overboard but I didn't watch my intake as much as I should.

Wednesday was a travel day as we made our way down south to North Carolina to spend the Christmas holiday with Rizzo's family. It was a nice four day visit with a family that knows how to eat. As is always the case with the holiday, our family unit did not waste time eating some good food. Wednesday night we ordered some Chinese take-out (making it simple after the road trip). Thursday night (Christmas Eve) we had some outstanding lasagna. Friday morning (Christmas Day) we started off the day with a very heavy and very delicious breakfast bake (eggs, sausage, cheese, has browns, and tons more) and we celebrated that night by chowing down on Carl's (Rizzo's Dad) paella as well as a Christmas ham.

A delicious lasagna

A delicious lasagna

I worked hard to make sure that I got in my regularly scheduled runs and with the absurdly warm weather we were having they were enjoyable. They were also extremely challenging for two reasons (1) the overeating weighed me down a bit so I felt sluggish and (2) the 587% humidity really makes it hard while running. Either way, I was able to get in the runs and found a few cool things around where my in-laws live. My favorite place was a small park that with a brook. The babbling brook was a nice sound at 6:45am on a Saturday morning after a 4 mile jog. This same park also had a free library station with I thought was great.

Babbling brook

Babbling brook

Little free library

Little free library

I want to conclude this week's and this year's weight update with one final before and after picture. Back in August 2014 there was a major social media blitz called the Ice Bucket Challenge. This was a very creative way to raise money for the ALS Association. I made a donation but not wanting to back down from the challenge or simply dump water on my head I made a video in which I sported a nice pair of bikini bottoms and revealed my entire ghastly form for all to see. I recently stumbled across this video recently and as it is one of the rare appearances of me without a shirt on I used it to capture a photo to do a real before and after. The quality of the before pictures is quite awful because of the source but I'm throwing it up (just like you will soon be throwing up because of the visual) for all to see. I give to you before and after. I'm sorry.

I suppose since this will be the introduction to the New Year I should create some resolutions, or at least some goals, for the upcoming year. I've been very happy this past year both in my attempts to become healthier and just in living life. So I can't say I have too many things I want to change or "resolve", just a few.

1. Move some weights - I feel like I've done an excellent job at making a cardiovascular workout a regular part of my life. Rizzo has even been so kind as to move some things in her schedule to help me stay on a regularly scheduled program. I fear that if I ever get off my Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday running routine I'll fall off the wagon completely so I'm not going to get rid of that. My goal is to add some weight training so maybe, just maybe, I can get a bicep or two this year (or at least get enough muscle to pick up a gallon of milk without grunting)

2. Write - I've been lucky enough to have filled this blog with a post three times a week since August. Not bad I suppose but the writing of the posts has been in waves. I'll go through periods or writing 7-8 different blog posts in a week and then none the following week. At the end of the day it is enough to keep me happy in my posting goals but I would like to make it a resolution to write (even a little) every day. I have other types of things I would like to try writing and I've started a bit in 2015. In 2016 I resolve (see that, a New Year's Resolution) to finish the TV pilot script I started and, at least, write one chapter of that book I want to write.

3. Be a better dad - I'm not saying I'm a bad father. I think I'm pretty good at it. I am, in fact, the World's Okayest Father. I even have a t-shirt that says so. I love spending time with Cece. I love teaching her new things. I love getting in trouble because I teach her to say "Hell Damn Fart" which makes Rizzo laugh hysterically and get mad at me at the same time. I love being a dad and I figure if I always resolve to be a better dad I'll never stop being a good dad.

4. Be a better husband - Same as number 3 but as a husband instead of a dad.

Happy New Year, everyone! Make 2016 a good one!

P.S. Here are some bonus pictures from our Christmas festivities.

Christmas Day was also Star Wars: The Force Awakens Day

Christmas Day was also Star Wars: The Force Awakens Day

Cece left a note for Santa and Santa wrote her back.

Cece left a note for Santa and Santa wrote her back.

Cece waiting for everyone to wake up so she can open some presents with Baby.

Cece waiting for everyone to wake up so she can open some presents with Baby.

My Christmas socks. Yes, I did wear them with shorts and a Star Wars t-shirt.

My Christmas socks. Yes, I did wear them with shorts and a Star Wars t-shirt.

A house I saw while jogging. I just loved the simple Christmas decorations.

A house I saw while jogging. I just loved the simple Christmas decorations.

Beer Snob: Ice Cream Sandwich

Beer Snob: Ice Cream Sandwich

'Twas the Day Before Christmas

'Twas the Day Before Christmas