All tagged Happy New Year

New Year, New Goals

It has been about 2 years and 4 months since I started my weight loss journey. Over that time, I've had ups and downs. I've had drastic weeks of weight loss and weeks of big gains. As of now I'm down 60 pounds from where I started which is amazing. I've become a regular runner and a regular at the gym. I've changed my eating and drinking habits. I'm very proud of myself.

Auld Lang Syne...Weekly Weight Update

The year was coming to a close and this will be the last Weekly Weight Update of the year 2015. Of course, I didn't weigh in this week because I was traveling for the holiday. That doesn't matter as I suspect my weight has shot up a bit due to the holiday parties and goodies that we all seem to enjoy this time of year.

The week started off with the annual Viar Family Christmas dinner. I refer to it as "Viar" as this was a tradition that I remember beginning with my grandparents, James and Mary Viar (Nana and Pop). The relatives stemming from the Viar family tree would get together and Nana and Pop's house for a meal and exchanging of gifts. The family consisted of Nana and Pop, my Aunt Sandy and Uncle Paul, my cousins Dawn and Daryl, my parents Dave and Sue, my sister Carrie, my grandmother Meemaw, and me. As the "kids" got older (meaning Dawn, Daryl, Carrie, and me) the group expanded to included spouses and grand/great-grand kids. Since Nana and Pop passed away Rizzo and I have hosted the event at our house and it is always a wonderful time with family.