Marketing...Weekly Weight Update

This week has been stressful, exciting, liberating, and frustrating all at the same time. Starting your own business is no laughing matter and the early aspects of seeking out clients makes you feel like a failure even though logically you know that you are not even close to that. It doesn’t change the fact that the work of obtaining clients is far different that the work of, you know, doing work.

Biding Time...Weekly Weight Update

This week was my last week at my job and it was tough to stay focused. It was important to me to work diligently up until my last day but it was very hard to keep my mind on my work when I knew I wouldn’t be there come Monday. Not only that, I knew I had lots of hard work ahead so I won’t bury the news way down at the end of the blog but just give it to you up front. I have started my own accounting and bookkeeping firm called, creatively, Clark Accounting Services. Please visit my firm website,, and let me know if I can be of service.

Make Me a Sandwich!...Gnocchi

“Hacks” are a popular thing to see floating around the internet these days. You know you have seen them all over your MySpace wall or cramming up your Friendster account. There is always the “Top 20 Hacks to Declutter Your House” or “Best Binder Clip Hacks” or “Trump Announces That His Hacks are the World’s Greatest” or “Clinton Hacks Her Own Secret E-Mail Server”. I like these hacks and I’m excited that Food & Wine Magazine has started a regular article called Mad Genius Tips that include hacks for making delicious meals easier.

Orlando - Weekly Weight Update

Sunday was the first day of my last business trip at Frank & Company. I was heading down for three days of management meetings and probably more than a little socializing with my co-workers. After a few hours on an airplane and about an hour waiting for and riding on a shuttle I made my way over to the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress and got checked into the hotel.

Burrito Bowls...Weekly Weight Update

There are some weeks that are so busy that by the time the week is done you can’t even remember what  you did that week. Sometimes those weeks are good and sometimes they are bad. The bad weeks are those that seem to drag on because you have so much to do but you can’t seem to get caught up. The good weeks are those that are busy but productive. This was one of the good busy weeks. One of those weeks that was hardly worth writing about (because nothing spectacular happened even though it was busy) but also one of those weeks that was dominated by a single thing. This week was dominated by our lunch: the burrito bowl.


Both of the readers of my blog may be wondering, "Hey, its Wednesday, where the heck is my new Green Bean Conspiracy blog?" You may be thinking "Didn't that guy put up a post last week that was part 1? How am I supposed to figure out how Island Life ends?" Fear not, for you will have a conclusion to that gripping saga soon. However, I wanted to share something special that happened today.