Daddy/Cece Day...Weekly Weight Update

As a CPA in a local firm I spend way too many hours at the office between about February 15th and April 15th. Its busy season, even for those of us who don't spend all of our time preparing taxes. In my firm I'm the Director of Audit and Management Accounting. What does that mean in English? It means that I oversee engagements that aren't directly related to taxes. Then why do I have to work so many hours for busy season? Well, all of those accounting records for businesses have to get to a place where the tax department can prepare taxes and that is my job. The point is that I don't get to see the kid that much during those few months. That is why I created Daddy/Cece day.


For my birthday, Rizzo got me a great gift called The Writer's Toolbox. The toolbox includes lots of creative games and ideas to help writers develop different topics or ideas and to trigger the imagination to go in different places. I'm hoping to use the toolbox to write some different short stories to include as part of the blog and this is my first go at using the toolbox.


In late December 2015, I started having bouts of dizziness. It wasn't terrible. From time to time my head would spin a bit. I just figured it was stress or being overtired so I brushed it off and went about my day. I didn't even pay attention to it until one morning while eating breakfast with Rizzo and Cece I stood up to take my empty bowl back to the kitchen and I staggered just the slightest bit. It was at that point that Rizzo forced me to get an appointment with my doctor.

Righting the Ship...Weekly Weight Update

Over the past weeks I have missed my weekly Weight Watchers check-in. Once was out of laziness and once was out of timing. During that three week period I have fallen a bit off the wagon. Not going crazy or anything. I had a few too many meals out at restaurants and maybe (did) have a few too many snacks at the office. So when I hopped on the scale at home on Tuesday morning I was crushed. According to that scale I had packed on 5 lbs since the last time I weighed in.

In past attempts to lose the gut this would be a tipping point. It would be a key moment to give up the ghost and to just start eating again and being lazy. I'd say to myself, "Self, why not just keep eating and being lazy? It's great! You get to eat whatever you want and relax all the time! It's outstanding!" Sage advice from a fat man.

Make me a sandwich!...Cooking with Beer

Everyone is familiar with cooking with wine. A nice white wine sauce can go well over a lightly sautéed chicken and some al dente pasta. Most people know that cooking with liquor, especially in desserts, can make a tasty treat. Much lesser known is cooking with beer. Sure, you've had some beer cheese from the local bar or beer battered fish. These are great but beer can also be used to make some sophisticated dishes and not just "pub" food.

Short and Sweet...Weekly Weight Update

I'm going to keep this weeks blog short and sweet seeing as there isn't terribly much to report. Rizzo and Cece were out of town for most of the week so I spent my time cooking (some blogs to come), exercising (same old routine during busy season), and working (it is busy season so that is where I spend most of my time).

Money for Nothing

Managing money is something that came naturally to me. I don't have a specific memory of learning about money growing up but I also don't remember any fights or stress about money in my childhood home. I have subtle memories of Mom sitting at the dining room table paying bills but this never seemed like a stressful time for her. It was just part of the regular duties of running a home.