You know it. I know it. ZZ Top knows it. Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.
Welcome to my blog.
I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!
All in Weight Loss & Exercise
You know it. I know it. ZZ Top knows it. Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.
Over the past weeks I have missed my weekly Weight Watchers check-in. Once was out of laziness and once was out of timing. During that three week period I have fallen a bit off the wagon. Not going crazy or anything. I had a few too many meals out at restaurants and maybe (did) have a few too many snacks at the office. So when I hopped on the scale at home on Tuesday morning I was crushed. According to that scale I had packed on 5 lbs since the last time I weighed in.
In past attempts to lose the gut this would be a tipping point. It would be a key moment to give up the ghost and to just start eating again and being lazy. I'd say to myself, "Self, why not just keep eating and being lazy? It's great! You get to eat whatever you want and relax all the time! It's outstanding!" Sage advice from a fat man.
I'm going to keep this weeks blog short and sweet seeing as there isn't terribly much to report. Rizzo and Cece were out of town for most of the week so I spent my time cooking (some blogs to come), exercising (same old routine during busy season), and working (it is busy season so that is where I spend most of my time).
Don't get all sour on me because I use a word like "alone" to describe this weeks weekly weight update. I'm not in a dark depression sitting alone in a room drinking by myself while listening to Pink Floyd albums on repeat. I use the title because Rizzo took Cece on a trip to Memphis over the weekend and into part of next week so I'm living the bachelor life. PARTY!!!!
Spring seems to have sprung here in Northern Virginia which means 3 things (1) I'll be distraught every day I'm inside because it is beautiful outside, (2) I'll be running outside more often working up a sweat, and (3) now that I have said that spring has sprung we can all look forward to the temperatures dropping back down to the mid-30s and a few more feet of snow
This week I'll give you a shorter blog with a long video. Let me pose a question to those smarter than I in the world.
Busy season is underway. It has started off a bit slow but is quickly becoming very, very busy. I can't complain much as our accounting firm does a great job to keep staff as happy and comfortable as possible. Every Saturday one person brings in breakfast for the rest of the staff. Every Saturday the firm buys lunch for everyone in the office. And everyday our office is full of goodies to eat. It builds morale. It also builds the gut. It's a trap!
Before I get started I wanted to share a cute picture. You all already know that every Sunday I make pancakes for the family. If that isn't cute enough (I know, I'm adorable), Rizzo bought Cece a stool so Cece could start learning about stuff in the kitchen and learn to help out. Last Sunday I pulled out the stool and I was teaching Cece how to make pancakes. I love this picture and I'm taking this moment to be a proud Dad. I can do that because it's my blog and I can do what I want. I dare you to look at this picture and not think that it is cute.
As you may recall at the end of last week's update I had gained a very slight amount of weight which was essentially maintaining. As you can imagine, the best thing to do when you gain weight is to make some delicious food and go out to dinner for the largest, most fattening meal you can possibly imagine. That is exactly what I did.
I usually check in on my weight once or twice at home before the official weigh-in each Sunday. I didn't do that this week. I wasn't purposefully trying a different approach it just slipped my mind. I didn't even think about it until Saturday morning (when I started to write this) when I realized that I have no idea how I was doing so this week.