Ignorance is Bliss...Weekly Weight Update
I usually check in on my weight once or twice at home before the official weigh-in each Sunday. I didn't do that this week. I wasn't purposefully trying a different approach it just slipped my mind. I didn't even think about it until Saturday morning (when I started to write this) when I realized that I have no idea how I was doing so this week.
I was tempted to immediately run upstairs (because the running could get me a few extra steps in the Bring It On! challenge) and hop on the scale but I resisted. All I could think about was what it the scale looked like. What if I've gained this week? Should I check so I can try and cut weight like I'm a high school wrestler before the big weigh-in to make sure I'm in the right weight class?
Instead I trusted what I've been doing this week. I ate what I was supposed to eat and worked out when I was supposed to work out. I finally got to run outside on Tuesday and it felt great. Most of the sidewalks were clear from the massive snow storm but there was still the occasional spot where I had to jump into the road to run around the 4 foot high snow mound that was blocking my path. Thursday I headed back down into the basement due to the cold weather. It seems I've gotten soft now that I have a treadmill to use.
What I haven't done since the beginning of the year was lift weights. I know that I made it one of my goals to push some weight but I just haven't had the time. You know what, that isn't correct. I haven't MADE the time. There is always time. Instead of watching that additional episode of Friends I could have spent 22 minutes lifting weights. Instead of reading that extra chapter in my book I could have spent 20 minutes benching some dumbbells. It's already February and I haven't started the weight lifting. Time to get a move on.
What did I learn by this inadvertent experiment of not checking in on my weight during the week? I learned that it might not be the best strategy. The weigh-in showed that I was up a whopping .2 lbs. I count that as maintaining, especially since I watched the weight fluctuate between being up .6 lbs and being down .6 lbs until it locked on up .2. Not a terrible week but it made me think that I need to make sure to check in at least once during the week. If nothing else it will give me some perspective and make me feel confidant about what I'm doing. At the end of the day I'm still at 209.4, which is awesome to be under 210. I hope to never again see above 210. Now I just need to get under 200.
The first day of this week was the last day of the January Bring It On! challenge. I'm very excited that I brought home the crown, logging a total of 169.6 miles this week compared to Rizzo's 158.3. That means on February 12th I'll be enjoying Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. The rest of the week required a new reward decision and a renewal of dedication to the challenge.
Technology got in the way of the challenge this week. Rizzo's FitBit crashed and burned. It wouldn't synchronize with her phone or her computer and wasn't logging the right miles. I suspected she was cheating but I figured she must be on the level since the time on her device was about 6 hours behind from the actual time. Rizzo wasn't picking up multiple days of her steps.
I didn't want to appear to be cheating so we ditched Monday and Tuesday for the challenge in an attempt to make it equal. The result is our miles looking artificially low to the outside observer but it makes the challenge an equal race without allowing technology to ruin the game. I'm still proud to have brought home the weekly crown with 30.8 miles this week compared to Rizzo's 23.8. Don't cry for Rizzo, Argentina, because she is picking up more miles with her training for a 10-miler in April so I'm sure she will be beating me handily very soon.
The February rewards have been set. Rizzo has kept her Red Door Spa reward. I'm going with another movie reward of Batman v. Superman. Let the games begin.
P.S. A couple of random pictures of the neighborhood that I liked.
I just liked how the streets looked after my run. Quiet, calm, and still a bit snowy.
Shot this morning from the kitchen. I liked how the sky looked through the tree in the backyard.