First off, Happy Father’s Day to all those dads out there. Today is the day you (theoretically) get to celebrate your position as a dad. In actuality, you will likely be doing the same old thing as most days. Maybe someone will make you some breakfast or cook you up some lunch. Maybe you’ll get a necktie or a hearty slap on the back. Enjoy it. We aren’t in this for the recognition. If we wanted that, we dads would become moms instead.
Now, onto this very brief post. I’m nervous. I’m agitated. I’m flat out scared. Why? Because it seems that now that the weather is warm and we have been locked up with our families for the past three months we seem to have forgotten that there is a deadly, worldwide pandemic that continues to haunt our every move.
Governments are entering different phases of opening up businesses. You can go outside and sit at a restaurant to have a meal. You can go exercise at the gym. You can go to J. Crew to grab a larger size pair of shorts since you gained those COVID-19 (see what I did there?). Sure, you can. But should you?
Maybe I have just become a massive germaphobe. As far as I can tell, there is no effective treatment for COVID-19. There is no vaccine. There is no cure. So, what the hell are we doing?
I want to get out of here as much as the next guy. I spend a significant portion of my day wondering how I can get my kids out of the house. It has been 118 days since I last got a haircut. I look like Danny Devito from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. But is it really worth it if I'm just going to have my lungs fill with goop?
Actual photo of me calling the doctor to see if I’m insane.
As I’m writing this a CNN article has the title, “10 States are seeing their highest average daily new Covid-19 cases since the pandemic started”. Some say it is because we have better testing but the article indicates that surges are outpacing the increase in test, which means that it isn’t testing but community spread. The cases in Florida haven’t surged so much that the Governor of New York is considering a quarantine for anyone travelling into New York from Florida.
To quote Dr. Ashish Jha, director of Harvard Global Health Institute, “We may be done with the pandemic but the pandemic is not done with us.”
Am I just paranoid? Maybe I am but this is terrifying.