Formatting...Weekly Weight Update

The more and more I write these weekly weight updates the more I realize that the reader must be incredibly bored with the structure. At this point, you know I work out on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. You know that I usually run on Tuesday and Saturday and go to OrangeTheory Fitness on Thursday and Sunday. You know that I try to eat right (although this past week has been a bit of a stretch on that with Halloween and all) and we eat the same thing during the week. With that in mind, it is time for a change of format.

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid

I love fast food. I really do. I think it is delicious. There is nothing I love more (that is a figure of speech people, there are clearly things I love more) that a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich and a large side of french fries. I also know that fast food is terrible for you. Everyone knows this but we continue to eat it. Why? Because we, as a culture, have convinced ourselves that we don't have the time to cook a healthy meal and delicious meal on our own so we resort to fast food. We even named it "fast food" to convince ourselves that it is faster than making our own food. We are lying to ourselves.

Our meals can be delicious AND healthy AND fast. All you have to do it cook it ourselves. It seems so simple yet so complicated. That is because we, as a culture, have convinced ourselves that in order to cook a healthy meal it has to be complicated. That is where we are all wrong. Anyone can cook a delicious meal in less time than it takes for you to go out and get a burger. The key is from a phrase I was taught in Boy Scouts - KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Truth in Marketing...Weekly Weight Update

Another week in the world of being self employed and I’m finding I have (what should come as a surprise to no one) less time to write as I’m beating the pavement to secure new clients. Rizzo has on multiple occasions had to settle me down to explain to me that is has only been a few weeks and that I’m not going to have a full slate of clients in just a couple of weeks. My head says exactly that but my heart still gets frustrated that it isn’t happening all at once. I planned for this so it isn’t as if it was something unforeseen. This was all part of the plan but some days it still feels like wheels are spinning. The most important part is to keep working. In the end, the hard work will pay off.

Beer Snob: Lake Anne Brew House - Sommbeer

We love going to the farmer’s market. Waking up early on a Saturday morning to purchase fresh produce; pick up some grass-fed, organic, hand-cut meats; indulge in a danish between some free fruit samples, and drink some beer. Wait, did he just say drink some beer? That’s right people, when you make your way over to the Reston Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning make sure to stop in to the Lake Anne Brew House for wake-me-up beer.

I'm a Creep...Weekly Weight Update

This week was relatively uneventful. I did lots and lots of marketing and networking with some good results. I got in my regular workouts, lost my shirt in poker on Saturday night, and was able to lose a bit of weight in the process. Since there wasn’t much to relay I’m going to give you a lesson that I learned this week: How to be a creep without really trying.

Marketing...Weekly Weight Update

This week has been stressful, exciting, liberating, and frustrating all at the same time. Starting your own business is no laughing matter and the early aspects of seeking out clients makes you feel like a failure even though logically you know that you are not even close to that. It doesn’t change the fact that the work of obtaining clients is far different that the work of, you know, doing work.

Biding Time...Weekly Weight Update

This week was my last week at my job and it was tough to stay focused. It was important to me to work diligently up until my last day but it was very hard to keep my mind on my work when I knew I wouldn’t be there come Monday. Not only that, I knew I had lots of hard work ahead so I won’t bury the news way down at the end of the blog but just give it to you up front. I have started my own accounting and bookkeeping firm called, creatively, Clark Accounting Services. Please visit my firm website,, and let me know if I can be of service.