'Twas the Day Before Christmas

In December 2009, Rizzo and I had been dating for just a few months so we had not yet started the routine of splitting time with different families for the holiday. I was up in Sterling with my family while she traveled down to North Carolina to be with her family.

For some reason on Christmas eve I wanted to do something special (probably just to win approval or get in good with the family) so I wrote my own version of the classic poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' for Rizzo's younger sister, Olivia. She was 6 at the time so I thought this could be something cool to send. I emailed it out to Rizzo on Christmas Eve and she shared it with her family. I suppose the fact that we are now married with a kid means I did something right.

Now, as part of the holiday season, I'm sharing the poem with you. I don't know if anyone has anyone out there reading this has any artistic skill but I'd love to have an artist illustrate this into a book. If anyone is interested please let me know and I'd love to get that done.

I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas.

Are you board?

I don’t remember playing an abundance of board games growing up but that isn’t to say we didn’t play our fair share as a family. There are two games in particular that I recall playing, or not playing, in our house. First, there was Trivial Pursuit. I’m sure you are all familiar with the game of pie pieces and trivia that can only be answered by Ken Jennings. I can remember it now, a cold winter evening in 1993 with everyone in the house. Carrie, my sister, is home for the winter break from college. Some snow is falling and it is dark by 3:37pm so no one has any plans to go out. “Why don’t we play a game?” someone would say, probably me. “Ok, let’s play Trivial Pursuit” someone would say, probably Dad. Then the nightmare would begin.

Beer Snob: It's the most wonderful time of the Beer

Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year. The air is cold, the house is filled with Christmas music, stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and your family is driving your so damn crazy that you need a drink. The normal beer selection will not do at this time of the year. You need something a little heavier to deal with the cold temperatures and the screaming in-laws. 

Yes, Christmas time brings out the best in beers. Ales brewed with honey and cinammon line my fridge and my liver. Winter warmers help to fight off the chill in your bones and in your kidneys. Brewers do their best to get that smile back on your face after you just stole the last Tickle Me Elmo from the hands of a 97-year old great grandmother of 37 because your three-year-old daughter told you that if she didn't get Elmo this year she would slide some strychnine into your morning coffee (kids grow up so fast these days).

We at Green Bean Conspiracy want to make sure that your beer can stand up to the rigors of a stressful holiday season so we present these recommendations of Christmas/Winter beers to enjoy on those extra cold nights.