All tagged Movies

Mission: Movies - The Doom Generation

Warning: This blog is filled with vulgarity that shouldn't be read by most people. Mom, you may want to skip this one but if you don't, I'm sorry.

For a long time I had a fascination with writing a book. The problem I learned with that fascination is that I didn't have anything particular to say but I liked the idea of being an author of something. It wasn't a story that I wanted to share but a thick, hard back volume with my name on the cover. Let me tell you if your goal is simply to write a book because you want to sit it on your coffee table then you will never get it done because it should be the story that dictates a book not the desire to write a book to create a story.

Anyway, since I couldn't think up a good idea for a story I thought I would take on a challenge and write about it. The challenge I gave myself was to watch a movie everyday for a year and then write about my experience. So in 2009 I started my challenge and got reasonably close. I watched 312 movies over that 365 day span. It was about the same time that a movie called Julie and Julia came out about a woman who writes a blog documenting her experience in cooking every recipe in Julia Child's first book.

There Can Be Only One

From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now.

I love history. Ok, so that may be a bit of an overstatement because I don’t love all history. I find reading about or studying anything that happened after 1865 utterly boring but anything before that time, especially U.S history between 1725 to 1820, absolutely fascinating. I think that is why I was so drawn in to the Highlander universe. I mean, who wouldn’t want to live forever?

For those of you who aren’t familiar let me provide you with a very brief synopsis of Highlander. The movie revolves around Connor MacLeod, as portrayed by Christopher Lambert, an immortal Scottish swordsman who must confront the last of his immortal opponents in order to win the “prize”. I understand that when you write it like this is seems stupid but when you try to boil down any movie or TV show or book down to a single sentence it always sounds stupid.