All tagged It's All True

Truth in Marketing...Weekly Weight Update

Another week in the world of being self employed and I’m finding I have (what should come as a surprise to no one) less time to write as I’m beating the pavement to secure new clients. Rizzo has on multiple occasions had to settle me down to explain to me that is has only been a few weeks and that I’m not going to have a full slate of clients in just a couple of weeks. My head says exactly that but my heart still gets frustrated that it isn’t happening all at once. I planned for this so it isn’t as if it was something unforeseen. This was all part of the plan but some days it still feels like wheels are spinning. The most important part is to keep working. In the end, the hard work will pay off.

Make me a Sandwich!...Brunch Part I

In part 1 of this two part post, we provide a brief history of brunch.

Somewhere along the course of human history it was deemed inappropriate or uncouth to drink alcohol before noon. I don't know why that became the standard. It's not like the sun passing the midway point in the sky has some sort of mythical power that allows alcohol to be acceptable. However, there is one exception: brunch.