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Righting the Ship...Weekly Weight Update

Over the past weeks I have missed my weekly Weight Watchers check-in. Once was out of laziness and once was out of timing. During that three week period I have fallen a bit off the wagon. Not going crazy or anything. I had a few too many meals out at restaurants and maybe (did) have a few too many snacks at the office. So when I hopped on the scale at home on Tuesday morning I was crushed. According to that scale I had packed on 5 lbs since the last time I weighed in.

In past attempts to lose the gut this would be a tipping point. It would be a key moment to give up the ghost and to just start eating again and being lazy. I'd say to myself, "Self, why not just keep eating and being lazy? It's great! You get to eat whatever you want and relax all the time! It's outstanding!" Sage advice from a fat man.