
Welcome to my blog.

I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!

I Love Bread

I Love Bread

Starting with the holiday season continuing through the first four months of the year I fell of the eating right wagon. It wasn’t as if I was eating like an animal but I certainly was paying attention to my diet. Here I use the term diet to describe what I’m eating not to describe a method to to lose weight. I also continued to exercise regularly so I didn’t balloon up to massive proportions that I had in the past. The result was packing on 15 pounds from my lowest weight (which still has me down 50 pounds from my highest level a few years ago) but I was starting to feel uncomfortable so I made a change. I rejoined Weight Watchers.

That’s right, I’m back in the saddle again. However this time it is a little bit different. I joined Weight Watchers Online. At the end of the day it means I’m leasing a software application for my phone that allows me to track what I’m eating and gives me a target goal of how much to eat. I’m not interested in going to meetings and sharing my experiences on my journey to be healthier. That is what this blog is made for. I know that the meetings are important to a lot of people and I know they can be helpful but that isn’t what I wanted. All I wanted was to get back a tracking device to help monitor my food consumption.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

So far it has been working wonderfully. That is high praise considering I started on the day before Easter then immediately went to my parents house for Easter dinner. It wasn’t helpful that my parents surprise Easter dinner was some of the best fried chicken I’ve ever had, and I love fried chicken. It was awful to only eat two pieces of chicken but I brought some home for future meals. Man, was it good.

After just one week of being back on the point counting program has resulted in a weight loss of 3 pounds this week. The fact that I my triathlon training has kicked into high gear probably didn’t hurt. Eating out for every meal on Friday for Daddy/Cece day didn't help. Here were my workouts this week:

-Sunday: OrangeTheory fitness
-Monday: 10 mile bike
-Tuesday: 20 minute run
-Wednesday: 300 meter swim
-Thursday: 5 mile bike; 20 minute run; 20 minute walk
-Saturday: 40 minute run

The skin tight shorts I'll be wearing in my triathlon. I'm sorry.

The skin tight shorts I'll be wearing in my triathlon. I'm sorry.

Pretty brutal but it is what I need to do in order to get ready for the triathlon coming up. Don’t worry, I do have rest days in my workout routine (see Friday above) so I don’t burn out and can hopefully peak on race day. This week just happened to be a brutal week. I’m looking forward to keeping up with the Weight Watchers program. I think I just needed a swift kick in the ass that counting some points can provide.

Growing or Showing

Growing or Showing

Another 5 Things I Love