
Welcome to my blog.

I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!

Beer Snob: Lake Anne Brew House - Sommbeer

Beer Snob: Lake Anne Brew House - Sommbeer

I'm glad to be able to provide some blogs to the good people at Sommbeer.com about beer. I feel like I'm starting to become a regular over there even if this is only the third blog that they have published of mine.

This one is near to my heart because it is a local brewery that I really admire, Lake Anne Brew House, in Reston, VA. Head on over to Sommbeer and read Lake Anne Brew House - Brewery Review to learn about our visit. If you have a moment, rate my post and leave a comment. I'd appreciate the support.


Truth in Marketing...Weekly Weight Update

Truth in Marketing...Weekly Weight Update

I'm a Creep...Weekly Weight Update

I'm a Creep...Weekly Weight Update