
Welcome to my blog.

I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!

Toilet Seats...Weekly Weight Update

Toilet Seats...Weekly Weight Update

As everyone across the country is well aware, nothing really happened this week. I kept turning on the television, the radio, and looking in newspapers to see if anything was worth reporting. It was unbelievable! How could the country go an entire week without a single news story to report? I was shocked. 

In reality, we are all very well aware of the news that happened this week. I already wrote about it once this past Wednesday with Voting(?) for President and I'll have a follow up to that this coming Wednesday. However, we all need a break so this week in Tales from the Week I'm just going to share a story from a few months ago so we can all sit back and laugh at Rizzo. That will make us all feel better.

Tales from the Week - Not Really

Much is made of the bathroom habits of men in a world where men and women often cohabitate. What is the stereotype we all know? Men leave the toilet seat up. The complaint is universal amongst women. What woman hasn’t been utterly upset after “falling” into the toilet because some careless man forgot to put the toilet seat down?

Why do we leave the toilet seat up? Are men lazy? Are men inconsiderate? Are men stupid? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding “YES” but that isn’t the point of this story. The point of this story is to show that men aren’t the only group guilty of bathroom indiscretions. Let us flash back to July 12, 2016…. (wavy line, wavy line, wavy line).

Rizzo and I are climbing into bed after another great day on our vacation through New England. I made it to the bed first and was casually reading without moving a muscle because I didn’t want the plastic covered bed to make that annoying noise (I have no idea why the bed was covered in plastic). Rizzo used the bathroom before coming to bed then joined me for some pre-sleep reading.

After a bit of reading (and our eyes barely able to stay open) we turned off the lights, said our goodnights, kissed (eeeewwwwww, no one wants to hear that) and lay down for our summers nap. As the sweet caress of slumber approached Rizzo broke the silence.

Rizzo: Just so you know, we were out of toilet paper so I brought up a new roll and put it on the toilet seat.

Me: So there is still a little bit of paper left?

Rizzo: No, we are completely out.

Me: So you mean that you changed the toilet paper roll?

Rizzo: No, I just brought up a new roll and put it on the toilet seat. I didn’t want you to go use the bathroom in the morning and just knock it off the toilet.

Me: Is there an empty roll of toilet paper still on the thing?

Rizzo: Yeah, why?

Me: So what you are saying is you brought up a new roll of toilet paper because the current roll was completely out. Instead of simply taking the old roll off and putting the new roll on you just put the new roll on the toilet seat.

Rizzo: Yeah.

Me: So, why didn’t you just put on the new roll?

Rizzo: What do you mean?

Me: You went through all the trouble of getting a new roll; why not just replace the roll?

Rizzo: (Laughing uncontrollably) It never occurred to me! (I can’t emphasize how much she was laughing.

Me: You can never give me grief for leaving the toilet seat up.

It may have been one of those “You had to be there” moments but it was one of the funniest things that ever happened. Seriously, why wouldn’t you just replace the toilet paper? Rizzo was at least kind enough to warn me that the paper was on the toilet; I guess so I wouldn’t pee on it or something.

Funny stuff.

Weekly Weight Update

It has been a long time coming but I finally dropped some weight. I feel like I've been stuck in the same spot for ages so dropping 1.2 pounds this week came at just the right time. As you will see from the next section, it took lots of hard work but it was worth it. In the end, the loss of those 1.2 lbs brings the current weight down to 206.2 making the current total 61.6 lbs. Not bad for going out to have a few beers on Saturday night with some friends. Now let's just keep it going.

As you can see from above, Mr. Statham has started to photoshop his head onto my body. I had to work hard to win the Bring It On! challenge this week. I got in 47.7 miles this week which is the most miles I've had since the middle of May. It literally took all that effort to be victorious this week because Rizzo was right on my heals with 47.2 miles. That give me just a slight 2.4 mile lead thus far in November. I don't know what Rizzo wants if she is victorious but I'm thinking I want a massage. All those miles made me sore.

P.S. Not many pictures from this week but here are a few.

Cece just doing some cooking wearing her Mommy's apron

Cece just doing some cooking wearing her Mommy's apron

Saturday night checking out a Dave Matthews' Band Cover called Crowded Streets

Saturday night checking out a Dave Matthews' Band Cover called Crowded Streets

Winter beers are here! It's the most wonderful time of the beer.

Winter beers are here! It's the most wonderful time of the beer.

Electoral College, Part I

Electoral College, Part I

Voting(?) for President

Voting(?) for President