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adventures. Have Fun!

Sharp Dressed Man...Weekly Weight Update

Sharp Dressed Man...Weekly Weight Update

You know it. I know it. ZZ Top knows it. Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

A few weeks ago while Rizzo and Cece were out of town for spring break I paid a visit to Jos. A. Banks to get some new clothes. You've seen the shirts and ties on display but folded nicely when you read that week's Weekly Weight Update. Now it's time to reveal the new suit that I purchased with a comparison to some older photos.

Let's start off with an older picture. This pictures is from way back in 2011 while attending the wedding of Rizzo's cousin, Vanessa, to her lawfully wedded husband, Michael.

Look at that gut. Look at those big, puffy cheeks. You will notice that the jacket is not buttoned. There are two very good reasons for the lack of buttoning; (1) This was in Florida in April and it was a bit warm so was trying to stay as cool as possible and, (2) my gut was too large for me to button the coat. A size 50 jacket right there, ladies and gentlemen. Soak up the girth. (Rizzo looks good in this picture but she has also lost significant weight and is more svelte these days).

Now let's take a look at the new suit as I arrive home from work.

Not too bad if I do say so myself. I can button the jacket which is a size 44 which is down a lot from the size 50 above. It is also a bit tailored so it actually cuts in at the waist which is something I never thought I would do. The hat is still covering a head that is the size of a watermelon but short of having some experimental surgery to reduce the size of my massive dome I will always have a big head. I think I look pretty sharp.

Moving on to other topics that aren't all about me (but it is my blog so making it all about me is sort of the point, but, whatever), last week was Rizzo's big 10 Mile Run. Can you even imagine running 10 miles? I can't. It sounds dreadful. Of course, some of you are sitting back reading this knowing you have run 10 miles, 13.1 miles, and 26.2 miles. Well, good for you! I think it is an amazing accomplishment to run 10 miles in a row. Cece and I were tracking the race the whole time through the beauty of modern technology. While Rizzo was freezing her booty to the core in downtown DC, Cece and I were playing in our warm house receiving the occasional text letting us know how Rizzo was doing.

Cece even got excited to cheer on her Mom after the end of the race (with a little encouragement from me).

This week was a tough one to stay on track as I was out at a client site all week which resulted in eating out for lunch every day. That doesn't have to be the end of the world and in general I made some smart decisions but not all of them were smart. On Thursday I splurged like mad and got a ridiculously tasty cheeseburger (burger, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, and chipotle ketchup) with fries. It was so outstanding and filled me up to the brim. I did forgo dinner on Thursday evening to try and counteract the amount of calories consumed at lunch but there is only so much that can be done after consuming that kind of meal. It was tasty through and to continue with this picture/video laden blog here is a photo of what I ate.

With meals like this during the week I wasn't sure what would happen at Weight Watchers on Sunday morning but I knew it wouldn't be good. I'm really looking forward to the end of busy season if for no other reason than to get back to long-run Saturdays and regular meals during the week and over the weekend. It is easy to see how people who work a ton can gain lots of weight quickly because of the number of meals that are consumed outside of the home in restaurants and sitting in the office. I'm glad I'm at least able to recognize it and keep the crazy eating in check. So, this week I strolled into Weight Watchers fully expecting to have ballooned to an ungodly weight and I was pleasantly surprised to not only have lost weight but nearly lost all the weight to get back to the beginning of busy season. This week I dropped 1.8 pounds resulting in a current weight of 206 and a total weight loss of 62.2 pounds. Not bad for eating out all week at lunch. I'm hoping that means next week I can drop some more pounds and maybe be back to the beginning of busy season weight.

The 10 Miler training is over! Victory shall be mine once again and we start off the week of April with a victory! Take that Rizzo and your 10,000,000 miles a week training regimen. I've finally got a chance to win something after so many failures in the Bring it On! challenge. This week I dominated 43.6 miles to 40.6 miles. That brings the month of April totals to 53.7 miles for me versus 49.7 miles for Rizzo. I'm totally going to see Captain America: Civil War at the end of this month and there is no way Rizzo will be going to see Alice Through the Looking Glass. #TeamClark #TeamCap.

P.S. Since this blog post has been filled with many more pictures and videos than words, I figured I could throw in one more picture.

As I pulled into the parking lot at my client's office this morning I saw this fallen tree. I know that it has been windy the last few days but I didn't expect to see a tree to be blown over. I thought maybe someone backed into the tree but it certainly doesn't look that way. I guess it was just much windier than I thought.

P.P.S. On Saturday night I went out running and forgot the adhesive strips for my nipples. As you may recall, I started getting the raw nipples from running. You can read about more of it at My eyes are up here...Weekly Weight Update. Well, today my nipples are chapped and it is awful.


Shoes, Glorious Shoes!

Shoes, Glorious Shoes!

