
Welcome to my blog.

I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!

Alone...Weekly Weight Update

Alone...Weekly Weight Update

Don't get all sour on me because I use a word like "alone" to describe this weeks weekly weight update. I'm not in a dark depression sitting alone in a room drinking by myself while listening to Pink Floyd albums on repeat. I use the title because Rizzo took Cece on a trip to Memphis over the weekend and into part of next week so I'm living the bachelor life. PARTY!!!!

Not really. The reason she took the time to go visit her friend is because (1) she has spring break so she gets an entire week off work and (2) I'm working busy season hours anyway. While the girls are away I'll be waking up, going to work, coming home, working out, going to bed, rinse, repeat. Maybe I can slide a viewing of Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter in there somewhere but since Rizzo has the time and I'm extra busy she is taking advantage to visit one of her best friends.

I bet you are wondering how I took advantage of Rizzo and Cece being out of the house. Well let me tell you it was crazy. On Friday night I went crazy and took a moment for myself to get a haircut. That's right folks, I splurged and got a haircut. Then I went home, had dinner of beef stew and mashed potatoes (homemade) and watched a little bit of a The Batman cartoon show. Then it was off to bed by 10:00pm. I stayed up late because, you know, I could.

Freshly trimmed locks. It's a good thing too because my bangs were really starting to get in my eyes

Freshly trimmed locks. It's a good thing too because my bangs were really starting to get in my eyes

Saturday is when I really went out of my mind. I slept in until 5:10 AM before taking Ellie out for a quick walk then heading into the office. It's amazing how quickly one can get to work when it is 5:15 AM on a Saturday. I was in the office by 5:30 AM for an overly adrenaline filled day of auditing financial statements. During busy season I'm always in the office super early because I don't want to be in the office late so I get what I need to get done done as soon as possible.

Saturday morning work. One car stands alone. The rest would join later.

Saturday morning work. One car stands alone. The rest would join later.

After leaving work at 2:00 PM (you can do that sort of thing when you get into the office at 5:30 AM, I headed home, took Ellie out for a longer walk then laced up the ole' sneaks for a run. Problem was that it was raining. Rain I can handle but a cold, bone chilling rain I didn't want to risk. So I switched it up and tumbled down to the basement for a run/lift combination. It felt good.

I'll go ahead and tell you in advance that there is no weekly weight update coming at the end of this blog. Not that I went out of control in the few days that Rizzo and Cece had been away from home. I still ate well and worked out. It was a matter of catching up on sleep. After waking up for early morning work then getting in a good workout session I went out for an evening of laughs and losing at the poker table to celebrate my good friend Craig's birthday.

Sometimes you have to not worry about a diet and just enjoy the moment. That is exactly what I did. I enjoyed too many hours of fun. I didn't over-indulge on drinks or food. I had two beers. Very moderate. I ate mostly vegetables with the occassional cheese slice and a singe cupcake. Quite moderate. That doesn't change the fact that I was at the tables until 12:45 AM which means I didn't get to bed until 2:00 AM. So, instead of hitting up Weight Watchers to see the damage I decided to catch up on some sleep. I slept in until about 8:30 AM. It was amazing!

Bowling Night

As I've mentioned in previous blogs, Rizzo and I have joined some friends of ours in a weekly bowling night. Our bowling night is Monday, which we picked because after having a relaxing weekend then working one whole day you have to just get way to unwind. Well let me show you what I did on Monday night.

Yeah, boy!!!!

Yeah, boy!!!!

There are two things to take away from this image. (1) Look how I was tearing it up! I know, I know, what happened during that third game? Well, I was getting a bit tired and slowing down. Besides, I just crushed it that second game. I still ended up averaging over 200 for the week which is pretty damn good. (2) Check out how our bowling league is still writing down our scores by hand to be turned in to our league secretary. The score sheets kept by hand and in triplicate! This is the pink copy just for all team. Can you believe it is the 21st Century and the scoring isn't just kept in the computer system by the bowling alley? Crazy!

Non-Scale Victory

No one likes going to the dentist. I know dental care is important but it is still a hassle. I'm lucky enough to have a dentist that I trust and the hygienist, Marian, is a lovely woman. On Friday I had to go in to get my regular 6-month cleaning. The first thing she did was say, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight" and complement me on all my hard work. I'm not good at taking complements but I must admit it felt good to have someone that you see only twice a year take notice of all your hard work. Thanks for making my Friday a good day, Marian.

That's right people, Rizzo is a Wonder Woman. She gets up nearly every morning at 4:30am to run 9 or 10 thousand miles before coming home to get ready for work. Then she works a full time job. Then after working a full day she picks up Cece from daycare so she can play with the little one and make her dinner. Then after dinner and putting Cece to bed, she does some more work before going to bed. Crazy.

There was one time I thought I caught her sitting down and relaxing. She was sitting on the couch and the TV was on. I knew I had her! That was until I walked around the couch to see her deep in concentration working on something on her computer. She is a machine.

Which is obviously why she keeps dragging me through the mud every week. Once again I was wrecked because Rizzo racked up 46.7 miles to my pathetic, minuscule, non-existent 35.9 miles. There are almost two full weeks left in the month and I'm already down 22.6 miles. What a joke! But you know what? Rizzo is out of town for spring break so I'm going to run like a dog the entire time she is gone. I may not win the month but I have to win at least one week. #TeamClark

Money for Nothing

Money for Nothing

Radio Shack

Radio Shack