
Welcome to my blog.

I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!

Sometimes you eat the bear: Weekly Weight Update

Not every week can be a winner when you are trying to get in shape and shed some pounds. Sometimes you have a burger and fries for lunch one day. Sometimes you have family pizza night on another day. It happens and it is all part of life. This week I did both of those plus another two days at clients resulting in lunch at a restaurant. I still got in my four weekly runs, getting up to 22 straight minutes on my couch to 5k app. Rizzo and I also registered for a 5k on September 19th which I'm hoping to be ready to finish in a personal best time.

In order to cut a few additional ounces before the weigh in today I hit the road for a 2.5 mile jog. It was dark when I left but since my running speed is just slightly faster than still, the sun was coming up when I returned. I felt like getting a nice picture of the sky since living in the suburbs it isn't the easiest thing to do. I took advantage and grabbed this picture of the sunrise over my neighborhood. If you have to exercise in the morning I suppose there are worse views.

The result this week was a gain of .2 pounds meaning I'm now up to 219.2. I basically maintained my weight but anything that is up is disappointing. I should have had some coffee this morning instead of tea and I would have been down. But as the Stranger says, "Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bar eats you". This week it looks like I ate the bear.

Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday

Saturday Morning Cartoons