
Welcome to my blog.

I document my stupid
adventures. Have Fun!

Losing Weight and Feeling Great

To begin, let me say that I'm not going to give you one of those "previously, on the Green Bean Conspiracy" posts to catch you up on what I've been doing, or not doing.  If you are reading this, you already know that I haven't posted a single thing to this sad excuse for a blog for over two years and you also already know what I've been doing with my life.  So we are just going to pretend that I have been keeping up with this nonsense for the entire duration and get to the point.

I have been out of shape for as long as I can remember. I've had spells of being in better shape than other times but I have never been in good shape.  Once Cece was born I made the decision to get healthier.  I often joked that my entire weight loss goal was to have an ab.  Yes, that is singular. Just one ab. That is still the case but with the kid in my life my weight loss goal is to not die. I'd prefer to not use a rascal scooter to attend my daughter's high school graduation. On the day we brought Cece home from the hospital on May 5, 2014, this was me.

Holy Cheeks and Neck Fat, Batman!

Holy Cheeks and Neck Fat, Batman!

I got to the doctor in July 2014 to start the process of not dying. I knew it wouldn't be good, but I decided that this time would be different. I wasn't going to worry about what the numbers told me and get all depressed. I was just getting a starting point to move forward. My starting point was 267 lbs. Yep, that is a lot of ice cream and beer filling those massive cheeks.

I spent a few months trying to do my own thing. It worked pretty well and I had lost 10 lbs through October 2014 but I needed something more motivating. Rizzo had started Weight Watchers to kick off the baby weight (which she has done and more so by the way. She looks outstanding) so I buckled and joined the Weight Watchers group, as well. We have both been on the Weight Watchers bandwagon ever since. (This is not a commercial for Weight Watchers and this is the last you will hear of it).

Another nine months later and I've lost another 30 lbs, bringing the grand total up to 40 lbs. I still have a long way to go but I'm feeling good. Here is a nice picture from a Memorial Day brew visit.

Less cheeks and neck, more baby.

Less cheeks and neck, more baby.

So why am I deciding to kick start this blog and write a few words now? Well, after a few summer vacation weeks I've put back on some of the weight. Nothing that is scary or unexpected when you take time off to relax so I'm not stressed about it, just enough for me to seek out an additional motivational tool. That motivational tool is going to be this blog.

No I'm not going to only write about my attempts to reduce my gut from huge to slightly less huge. I think I may try to write about other stuff I like such as beer, baseball, beer, food, beer, travel, beer, history, beer, movies, beer, TV, beer, family, and beer. (Rizzo, I did sneak family in there so don't get mad at me).

So let the games begin.

Topless Pics and Running

Suburban Tranquility