
Welcome to my blog.

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adventures. Have Fun!

Batman Begins...Weekly Weight Update

Why do we fall down? So we can learn to get back up.

You can learn just about anything you need to get through this crazy, mixed up world, from Batman. The (paraphrased) quite above is from Batman Begins. The past few weeks have been filled with trips off the wagon. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every bump and bruise those falls caused but this week was an attempt to get back up again.

Getting back on the wagon meant keeping with a regular running and eating schedule. This worked out for most of the week with the exception of Thursday and Saturday. Thursday I had a training session that I had to attend which meant I was eating whatever was being served for lunch at the training. Saturday included our weekly breakfast out on the town and taking Cece to downtown Leesburg for the Christmas parade (which meant having an Italian sausage for dinner.

Cece and Rizzo are ready for breakfast.

Cece and Rizzo are ready for breakfast.

Cece saying "Hi" to Santa on the lawn of the Leesburg Town Hall during the parade.

Cece saying "Hi" to Santa on the lawn of the Leesburg Town Hall during the parade.

Cece had a very rough week which meant that Rizzo and I had a rough week. Cece started the week off with fever which we monitored up until Wednesday. She was in rough shape so I stayed home from work to take care of the little sickie-pants and Rizzo took her to the doctor when she got home from work. Turns out the little tyke has her first ear infection. She is still full of snot and running a bit of a fever but you can tell she is much better off than she was on Monday.

Since she didn't feel good we watched some TV

Since she didn't feel good we watched some TV

Workouts this week were finally back on the regular schedule. Tuesday and Thursday I made sure to get in my regular 3 to 3.5 mile runs which were great. Saturday turned out to be one of the nicest days in a long time. It isn't often that you get a 70+ degree day in the middle of December. Rizzo and I both had to take advantage of this day to get in a workout. She went out for a run midday and I went out for a longer run mid afternoon. I was able to get in just over 5 miles. I don't know what it was about the day but we were both spent and sore; even more sore than normal. By 8pm on Saturday night both of my knees were throbbing so I took some pain medicine (a beer) and made sure to get a good nights sleep.

Rizzo geared up for her run.

Rizzo geared up for her run.

Sunday morning was the morning of truth. It was the first time getting back to Weight Watchers in a long time and there was two weeks of debauchery between weigh ins. I didn't want to get too down on myself if the results aren't good so I went in thinking that if I only gained 3 or 4 pounds during that time I'd be in good shape. I got up early to get in my usual Sunday morning run. The run turned into a walk due to my aching knees (god, I'm old!). Rizzo and I headed over to the Weight Watchers center and the scale was kind to me. Very kind. I didn't gain a pound. I also didn't lose a pound. I remained exactly the same at 209.2. Great news after a few weeks of splurging.

This week I learned that, just like Batman, we fall so many times so we learn to get back up. So many times in my life I've tried to lose weight and get in better shape. I've even been successful a few times before but I would always inevitably find an excuse to stop eating right or stop working out so I'd gain back everything and then some. This time feels different. Yes, I didn't count any of my points for Weight Watchers. Yes, I probably ate a treat or two that was delivered to my office. Yes, I ate breakfast out on Saturday and dinner out on Saturday. So what was different? I didn't overeat. I didn't stop working out. I didn't go out and have 5 beers in a night, I just had 1. I indulged but in moderation. I hope that I have finally learned the lesson and this time weight loss will stick. I hope that this time I'm gotten up for the last time.

Bonus picture: Me trying to be "artistic" while taking a picture of the Leesburg Christmas tree and Town Hall.

Deck the Halls

Bah Humbug! and Beer Snob: A Christmas Time Collaboration

Bah Humbug! and Beer Snob: A Christmas Time Collaboration